Author name: Neha Khadka

Ascaris lumbricoides- Digestive, Respiration, Excretory, Nervous System

Ascaris lumbricoides- Digestive, Respiration, Excretory, Nervous System

Ascaris lumbricoides is a large, cylindrical, parasitic roundworm that belongs to the phylum Nematoda. It is an obligate parasite, meaning it requires a host (humans) to complete its life cycle. Humans are infected by the parasitic nematode Ascaris lumbricoides, also referred to as the gigantic roundworm. It is one of the most widespread parasites in

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Archaea Habitat, Characteristics, Classification, Applications

Archaea: Habitat, Characteristics, Classification, Applications

Archaea are a diverse and fascinating group of microorganisms with unique adaptations that allow them to thrive in extreme environments. Different from bacteria and eukarya, archaea are a realm of life known for their own evolutionary history, biochemistry, and ecological roles. An outline of their habitat, traits, categories, and uses can be found here. The

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Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing

Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST)- Types and Limitations

Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) is laboratory technique used to find out how sensitive different antimicrobial drugs are to different types of bacteria. The choice of the most suitable antibiotic therapy for infections is aided by this testing. A crucial element of contemporary clinical microbiology and infectious disease treatment, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing supports both the worldwide

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Antibody Definition, Structure, Types, Forms, Functions

Antibody: Definition, Structure, Types, Forms, Functions

Antibody , also known as immunoglobulins (Ig),are specific Y-shaped proteins made by the immune system that are used to recognize and eliminate foreign substances such as viruses, bacteria, and poisons. In the body’s defensive mechanism against infections, they are essential. The term immunoglobulin (Ig) can refer to either the membrane-bound or the secreted form of

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Animal Kingdom- Definition, Characteristics, Phyla, Examples

Animal Kingdom- Definition, Characteristics, Phyla, Examples

Animal Kingdom, sometimes referred to as Kingdom Animalia, is a broad category of species that have a few traits in common. Animals are eukaryotic, multicellular organisms that are usually heterotrophic—that is, they get their nourishment by eating other living things. They are able to engage in complicated activities and interactions with their surroundings because they

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