Flora and Fauna

Flora And Fauna

Flora And Fauna were coined by biologists to refer to a collection of plants and animals specifies in a given geographic location. In a nutshell, the term flora relates to all plant life and the term fauna represents all animal life. Let us dive deeper into these terms, exploring their origins and etymologies.

Flora Meaning

Flora is all the plant life present in a particular region or time, generally the naturally occurring (indigenous) native plants. Sometimes bacteria and fungi are also referred to as flora, as in the terms gut flora or skin flora. flora means the plants naturally occurring in a particular area. Some examples of flora include- grasslands, forests, flowering, and non-flowering plants and trees. Fauna: fauna means the animals naturally living in that area. A few examples of fauna include- birds, animals, fish, insects, etc.

The word “flora” refers to the plants occurring within a given region as well as to the publication of scientific descriptions of those plants.

Flora in Roman history refers to flowers. Flora was considered the god of spring for the Roman empire. In ecology, the flora is a word that refers generally to the kingdom of plants. However, the term refers particularly to a group of plants in a specific region or period. On the other hand, a group of animals found in a specific region and period is known as fauna. So either plants or animals in any specific area are called flora and fauna.

Classifications of Flora

  1. Native flora
  2. Agricultural and horticultural flora (garden flora)
  3. Weed flora

Plant generally Consists

The plant generally consists of the following:

  1. Plant body: root, stem, and leaves
  2. Vascular system: responsible for the transport of the water and nutrients (phloem and xylem)
  3. Seed formation: may be naked or enclosed seeds

Synonyms for flora

foliage, green, greenery, herbage, leafage, vegetation, verdure


Fauna is all of the animal life present in a particular region or time. The corresponding term for plants is flora, and for fungi, it is funga. Flora, fauna, funga, and other forms of life are collectively referred to as biota. In another word, Fauna is all of the animal life. Fauna’s name derived from “to favor, nurture,” because it was believed by the ancient Roman religion that Fauna is the goddess who nurtures all that is useful to live creatures.

Flora and fauna mean plants and animals. These two forms of life along with other life forms constitute a biota. Fauna by itself was the name of a Roman goddess representing fertility and the earth and Faunus was another Roman god. And then there were Fauns, which were known to be forest spirits.

Classifications of Fauna

  • Kingdom
  • Phylum
  • Class
  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species

Explanation: Mnemonic devices to remember KPCOFGS taxonomy (the proper ordering of the biological groupings/categories) Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.

Synonyms for Fauna

  1. Animalia
  2. Animal life
  3. animal group
  4. brute creation

Importance of Flora and Fauna

The importance of flora or plants on the land or in the oceans makes our life possible. Plants are the oxygen producing and carbon dioxide absorbing natural apparatus without which life would not be possible. Besides, plants are an essential resource for human well-being. The Amazon rainforests not only supply oxygen but are the source of sustenance for the region. The flora & fauna importance are as follow:

Maintains ecological balance

Flora and fauna are very important for human existence. The flora liberates oxygen that is consumed by the fauna for respiratory activities. Fauna, in turn, liberates carbon dioxide consumed by the flora for photosynthesis.

Flora and fauna hugely benefit mankind through their medicinal and food offerings. Animals maintain the equilibrium by predating on different plants and animals to balance their population on earth.

Animal droppings are a source of fertilizer. The dead animals decay and act as supplement minerals for other animals.

Aesthetic value

It’s a no-brainer that humans love and appreciate nature. Many like spending time in outdoor settings such as forests, natural areas, parks, and other green spaces because of their aesthetic value. This aesthetic value is mainly contributed by the spread of flora and fauna.

Statistics tell the story, each year, up to half a billion people visit beautiful protected sceneries like national parks, recreation areas, indigenous forests, historic sites, wildlife refuges, and wild and scenic rivers to experience the beauty of the landmarks. This further underlines the significance of flora and fauna to our day to day lives.

Expansion of Local Economies

Flora and Fauna contribute to the local economies through tourism. The flora and fauna of Amazon forests attract tourists and scientists which contributes about 50 million dollars to the Brazilian economy.

Caribbean, Indonesia, and Panama are other tourist locations that attract millions of people due to their widespread flora and fauna.

Examples of flora and fauna

Flora is affected by the climate of a region. Fauna affects the climate of a region. Flowering plants, grass, forests are some examples of flora. Reptiles, birds, insects, and fishes are some examples of fauna.

In different words, examples of flora are as follows:

  1. Manchineel tree
  2. Giant redwood trees
  3. Nepenthes
  4. Welwitschia Mirabilis

In different words, examples of fauna are as follows:

  1. Coral
  2. Southern Toadlet
  3. Eltham copper butterfly

what are flora and fauna?

 flora and fauna represent plant life and animals respectively. flora and fauna are flora and fauna were coined by biologists to refer to a collection of plants and animals specifies in a given geographic location.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is flora and fauna?

Flora is all the plant life present in a particular region or time, generally the naturally occurring (indigenous) native plants. Sometimes bacteria and fungi are also referred to as flora, as in the terms gut flora or skin flora. and fauna is all of the animal life present in a particular region or time. The corresponding term for plants is flora, and for fungi, it is funga. Flora, fauna, funga, and other forms of life are collectively referred to as biota.

What is the flora & fauna give an example of each?

Flowering plants, grass, forests are some examples of flora. Reptiles, birds, insects, and fishes are some examples of fauna.

Is animal a flora or fauna?

Flora is plant life, fauna refers to animals.

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