B Cells vs T Cells- Definition and 17 Key Differences

B Cells vs T Cells- Definition and 17 Key Differences

B cells vs T cells are two distinct types of lymphocytes that play pivotal roles in the adaptive immune response, collectively orchestrating the body’s defense against pathogens. Originating from the bone marrow, B cells mature and differentiate therein, whereas T cells undergo maturation in the thymus gland, earning them their respective names.

B Cells vs T Cells- Definition and 17 Key Differences

B Cells vs T Cells

B Cells

One subset of white blood cells called B cells, or B lymphocytes, is essential to the adaptive immune system. Their main job is to produce antibodies, which are proteins that can identify and neutralize harmful substances including viruses, bacteria, and poison.

B Cells vs T Cells- Definition and 17 Key Differences

T Cells

T lymphocytes, another name for T cells, are a subset of white blood cells that are essential to the adaptive immune response. They are named “T” cells because they are made in the bone marrow and develop in the thymus gland.

17 Key Differences Between B Cells vs T Cells

S.NT CellsB Cells
1.T Cells originate in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus.B Cells originate and mature in the bone marrow.
2.Mature cells occur inside the lymph nodes.Mature cells occur outside the lymph nodes.
3.T Cells bear TCR receptor.B Cells bear BCR receptor
4.Recognize viral antigens on the outside of the infected cellsRecognize antigens on the surface of bacteria and viruses
5.T Cells have long lifespans.B Cells have shorter life spans.
6.Lack surface antigensHave surface antigens
7.T Cells Secrete lymphokinesB Cells Secrete antibodies
8.T Cells involved in the cell mediated immunityB Cells involved in humoral or antibody-mediated immunity
9.80% of the blood are lymphocytes are T cells20% of the blood are lymphocytes are B cells
10.Have three types: helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells, and suppressor T cellsHave two types ,they are plasma cells and memory cells
11.Move to the site of infectionDoes not move to the side of infection
12.Act against tumor cell or transplantsDo not act against tumor cells or transplants
13.Have an inhibitory effect on the immune systemDo not have any inhibitory effect on the immunes system
14.Defend against pathogens including viruses, protists, and fungi
that enter the cells in the body.
Defend against bacteria and viruses in the bloodstream or lymph
15.Primary role in cell mediatedPrimary role in humoral immunity
16.Examples of T Cells are Helper T cells, Cytotoxic T cells,..Example of B Cells are Plasma Cells , Plasma Cells,…..
17.T Cells are effective against intracellular pathogens, such as viruses and intracellular bacteria.B Cells are effective against extracellular pathogens, such as bacteria and toxins.
These are the difference between B Cells vs T Cells.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What do you mean by B Cells ?

One subset of white blood cells called B cells, or B lymphocytes, is essential to the adaptive immune system. Their main job is to produce antibodies, which are proteins that can identify and neutralize harmful substances including viruses, bacteria, and poison.

What do you mean by T Cells?

T lymphocytes, another name for T cells, are a subset of white blood cells that are essential to the adaptive immune response. They are named “T” cells because they are made in the bone marrow and develop in the thymus gland.

What are two distinct types of lymphocytes ?

The two distinct types of lymphocytes are B Cells vs T Cells.

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