Agriculture and Food Microbiology - Fourth Year(BSc. Microbiology)

Agriculture and Food Microbiology – Fourth Year(B.Sc. Microbiology)

Course Title :Agriculture and Food Microbiology
Course No :MB 401(Major)
Nature of the Course :Theory
Full Marks :100
Pass Marks :35
Year :Fourth(4th )
Total Lecture Hours :150

Course Objectives

After completion of the course Agriculture and Food Microbiology , the students will be able to:

  • understand microbial ecology and their role in environment
  • understand the role of micro-organisms in soil fertility, mineral cycles of nature, and plant disease
  • understand various microbes found in different kinds of food, food borne infections and food
    preservation methods.

Course Content of Agriculture and Food Microbiology in B.Sc. Microbiology

The content outline of Agriculture and Food Microbiology ,

S.NTopic / Chapter NameCredit Hours
1Soil and its Constituents

Introduction and formation of soil, physical, chemical and biological factors, mineral and organic
matters, soil solution, gases
3 hrs
2Microorganisms in Soil and their Roles

Bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, protozoa, blue-green algae (cyanobacteria)
3 hrs
3Microbial Ecology

Microbial association in soil, water and air, components of microbial ecology, ecosystem and energy,
tools and techniques of experimental microbial ecology
5 hrs
4Rhizospheric and Phyllospheric Microorganisms

Introduction, functions, factors influencing their growth and activities
3 hrs
5Microbial Interactions

Microbial interactions in ecosystem, types of interactions- synergism, commensalism, mutualism,
competition, amensalism, predation, and parasitism
6 hrs
6Microbiology of Extreme Environments

Growth and survival of microorganisms in extreme temperature, pH, humidity, salinity, and applications
of extremophiles
6 hrs
7Biogeochemical Cycles and Role of Microorganisms

Introduction, nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle, phosphorous cycle, sulphur cycle
12 hrs
8Microbial Degradation

Difference between degradation and deterioration, mechanisms of microbial degradation of cellulose,
hemi-cellulose, lignin, chitin, pectin, recycling of organic waste
10 hrs

Principles of bioremediation, in situ and ex situ bioremediation of soil, water and air pollution, steps and
approaches in bioremediation, removal of xenobiotics, bioleaching, petroleum degradation
5 hrs
10Aerobic and Anaerobic Decomposition of Organic Compounds and Application

Anaerobic decomposition of typical organic compounds, mechanism of aerobic and anaerobic
composting, mechanism of methane gas production from agricultural waste including animal waste,
biochemistry of methane formation and application
12 hrs
11Plant Pathogens

Agents of plant diseases: a) Bacterial diseases- Citrus canker causing microorganism, Rickettsia,
Mycoplasma, (MLD), Spiroplasma b) Fungal diseases c) Diseases caused by Nematodes, d) Mesobioticviral disease
10 hrs
12Microorganisms in various Foods

Bacteria, molds, yeasts, primary sources of microorganisms in food contamination
10 hrs
13Factors Affecting Microbial Growth in Food

Intrinsic parameters, extrinsic parameters
5 hrs
14Techniques for Determination of Microorganisms in Food

Techniques of detection and enumeration of microorganisms in food, sampling methods (various food
industries, dairy, meat market)
10 hrs
15Food Handling and Spoilage

Different types of food handling in industries and market, spoilage of fruits and vegetables, fresh and
processed meat and poultry product, egg and egg products, milk and milk products, canned foods, flour
cereals and bakery products, fermented foods and beverages, soft drinks, seafoods
15 hrs
16Food Preservations

Chemical, irradiation, low temperature, high temperature, drying
10 hrs
17Food Quality Evaluation

Quality standard of milk, quality standard of bakeries, quality standard of meat and eggs, quality control
of food, Nepal standard, national food regulatory system
15 hrs
18Role of Microorganisms in Food Poisoning
Gram positive cocci (Staphylococcus spp.), gram positive spore formers (Bacillus cereus, Clostridium
spp.), gram negative bacteria (Salmonella spp.), mycotoxin (aflatoxin), seafood toxicants
10 hrs
Total Lecture Hours150 hrs

Recommended Readings

For Agriculture and Food Microbiology we have,

Text books

  • Alexander M (1961). Introduction to Soil Microbiology, Academic Press.
  • Atlas RM and Bartha R (1998). Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals and Applications. The Benjamin
    Cummins Publication Co. Inc.
  • Banwart GJ (1989) Basic Food Microbiology. CBS Publication and Distributions, Delhi.
  • Jay JM (1987). Modern Food Microbiology (3rd Edition). CBS Publications and Distributions, Delhi.

Reference Books for Agriculture and Food Microbiology

Agriculture and Food Microbiology Practical

Agriculture and Food Microbiology Practical
Course Title :Agriculture and Food Microbiology Practical
Course No :MB 402(Major)
Nature of the Course :Practical
Full Marks :50
Pass Marks :20
Year :Fourth( 4th)
Total lecture Hour :180

Course Objectives

After completion of the course, the students will be able to:

  • develop practical skills on handling, isolation and identification of soil, water, and food

Course Contents

In the Agriculture and Food Microbiology practical we have

S.NContents Name
1Microorganisms Present in Soil

Total viable number of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes in different kinds
of soil
2Buried Slide Technique for Microbial Flora of Soil

Different types of microorganisms in soil,
identification of microbes by using various techniques

Introduction, morphological structure, culture of Azotobacter
4Cellulase Produced by Organisms

Demonstration of cellulolysis , use of cellulase
5Microorganisms from Biofertilizers

Isolation and identification of organisms responsible for formation
of biofertilizers
6Observation of Various Organisms Present in Soil

Demonstration of Winogradsky’s column, uses of
column in differentiation of microbial ecology
7Differentiation of Various Organisms From Soil Samples

To show the distribution of organisms, their
methods of isolation and antibiotic activity

Isolation, growth characteristics and identification
9Phosphorus Solubilisers

Methods of culture, identification of solubilisers
10Count of Micro-organisms in Different Foods

Methods of isolation and counting techniques of bacteria
from various foods
11Dairy Products; Milk, Cheese and Ice-cream

Enumeration, culture of organisms, isolation, detection and
demonstration of microorganisms
12Tests for Milk Quality

Methylene Blue Reduction Time (MBRT) test, Resazurin test, phosphatase test,
adulteration tests in milk (starch, soda, sodium hydrooxide, table sugar), alcohol test, acidity test, SNF
and fat tests
13Presence of Microorganisms in Meat and Meat Products

Isolation and identification of types of
contaminating microorganisms in meat and meat products
14Microorganisms Present in Fruits

Culture of microorganisms from fruits (bacteria, yeast and molds),
methods of isolation and identification