Author name: Sareena Basnet

Bioplastics Definition, Types, Uses, Challenges

Bioplastics: Definition, Types, Uses, Challenges

Bioplastics are innovative materials that provide an alternative to conventional plastics made from petroleum that are created from sustainable biomass sources such plant starch, vegetable oils, and recovered food waste. Depending on their composition, they may be compostable, biodegradable, or non-biodegradable. Definition Bioplastics are a class of plastics made from biologically renewable resources, including recycled […]

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Biodegradation vs. Bioremediation 6 Differences, Examples

Biodegradation vs. Bioremediation: 6 Differences, Examples

Biodegradation vs. bioremediation are both important ecological processes that break down or eliminate contaminants. While bioremediation entails purposeful human intervention to hasten the decomposition or removal of toxins from the environment, biodegradation happens spontaneously as a result of microbial action. Biodegradation Microorganisms naturally break down organic materials into simpler compounds through a process known as

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Biochemical Test of Klebsiella pneumoniae

Klebsiella pneumoniae is a Gram-negative bacterium which is well-known for causing a variety of illnesses, especially in medical environments. Particularly in those with impaired immune systems, it is a major cause of bloodstream infections, pneumonia, and UTIs. Antibiotic resistance is a well-known trait of K. pneumoniae, which makes treating infections difficult. Its pathogenicity is enhanced

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Biochemical Test of Fusobacterium necrophorum

Biochemical Test of Fusobacterium necrophorum

Fusobacterium necrophorum is a Gram-negative, obligatory anaerobic bacterium that is frequently linked to serious infections in humans and animals. It can result in liver abscesses and other necrotic infections. Biochemical tests are used for identification, which helps with accurate diagnosis and treatment by revealing the unique characteristics of the object. Definition Fusobacterium necrophorum is a

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Biochemical Test of Bordetella pertussis

The Gram-negative bacterium Bordetella pertussis is the source of whooping cough, a highly dangerous respiratory illness. It mainly affects newborns and young children and is spread by respiratory droplets. When B. pertussis infects the respiratory system, it causes symptoms like inspiratory whoops, paroxysmal coughing, and post-tussive vomiting. Given the risk of serious consequences, especially in

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Biochemical Test of Acinetobacter baumannii

Biochemical Test of Acinetobacter baumannii

Gram-negative Acinetobacter baumannii is a well-known cause of serious hospital-acquired infections and a major contributor to antibiotic resistance. For effective clinical management, this pathogen must be accurately identified. The oxidase test (negative), the catalase test (positive), the glucose oxidation test (positive under oxidative conditions), and the growth at 42°C test (positive) are important biochemical tests

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Barfoed's Test- Definition, Principle, Procedure, Result, Uses

Barfoed’s Test- Definition, Principle, Procedure, Result, Uses

The Barfoed’s test is a chemical technique that determines whether or not a sample contains simple sugars. Barfoed’s reagent is a particular liquid that we can mix with the sample and heat to examine if the liquid changes color. If the sample becomes reddish-brown in color, it indicates the presence of monosaccharides, which are simple

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