Antigenic Shift vs Antigenic Drift- Definition and 16 Differences

Antigenic Shift vs Antigenic Drift- Definition and 16 Differences

Antigenic shift vs antigenic drift are two processes that explain how influenza viruses change and adapt over time are antigenic shift and antigenic drift. A abrupt, significant alteration in the genetic structure of a virus caused by the reassortment of genetic material across strains, frequently originating from different animals, is referred to as an antigenic shift. Antigenic drift, on the other hand, is a slow, ongoing process that involves minute genetic alterations in the surface proteins of the virus. Seasonal flu vaccinations must be regularly updated to reflect the circulating strains of the virus.


Antigenic Shift

Antigenic shift vs antigenic drift

The term “antigenic shift” refers to a notable and sudden alteration in the genetic makeup of the influenza virus that causes a novel virus subtype including a novel mix of neuraminidase (NA) and/or hemagglutinin (HA). Usually, when two distinct influenza virus strains co-infect the same host cell and exchange genetic material, this significant alteration happens.

Antigenic Drift

The term “antigenic drift” refers to a slow and ongoing genetic mutation process that occurs on the surface proteins of influenza viruses, mainly neuraminidase (NA) and hemagglutinin (HA). Viral RNA replication mistakes cause these minute alterations to compound over time, which gives the virus the ability to elude the host’s defenses. As the virus replicates, these small genetic alterations build up over time.

Antigenic Shift vs Antigenic Drift

S.NAntigenic shiftS.NAntigenic drift
1)An antigenic shift is a notable, abrupt alteration in the genetic makeup of the influenza virus that gives rise to a new subtype of the virus.1)The process of slow, continual mutation of the genes that code for the HA and NA surface proteins of the influenza virus is known as antigenic drift.
2)It usually occurs when two distinct influenza virus strains infect the same host cell and exchange genetic material, resulting in a significant reassortment of the influenza virus genome. This causes a new viral subtype to emerge.2)It include the slow accumulation of point mutations caused by mistakes made during viral replication in the genes encoding the two surface proteins of the virus, hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA).
3)It occurs quickly and unexpectedly, changing the virus significantly right away.3)It occurs gradually and slowly, with ongoing small changes adding up over time.
4)It involves a significant amount of genomic reassortment.4)It involves minor genetic alterations.
5)It may have detrimental effects on the economy because of the high cost of healthcare, the spread of illness, and the disruption of economic activity and daily living.5)Seasonal epidemics brought on by drift are less severe than shifts, but they can entail large annual losses in productivity and healthcare expenditures.
6)In Antigenic shift, substantial public health initiatives are necessary to inform people about the new virus, the value of immunization, and preventive measures.6)In Antigenic drift, regular public health messaging emphasizes the value of being vaccinated against the flu each year and following general preventive measures.
7)It can have long-term health effects if the pandemic strain strikes a significant percentage of people and produces serious sickness and complications.7)It usually results in less severe but more persistent health effects because seasonal flu outbreaks are recurrent.
8)It is identified, frequently through international monitoring systems, by the unexpected emergence of a novel viral subtype with pronounced antigenic characteristics.8)It is identified by genetically sequencing circulating influenza strains and ongoing surveillance to track slow alterations.
9)It can result in a quick, worldwide spread because of the virus’s unique characteristics and the lack of immunity among people worldwide.9)It usually leads to more confined outbreaks, while seasonal flu epidemics can still spread widely.
10)Rare, happening around once every few decades when factors allow various virus strains to reassort themselves.10)Frequent, happening continuously over time as the virus mutates and replicates.
11)It has a strong potential for spreading pandemics since a new viral subtype to which the population is immune has suddenly emerged.11)It causes seasonal epidemics that usually don’t have an impact as great as a pandemic, however they can vary in severity.
12)It involves extensive research and development work to create completely new vaccinations that are tailored to the recently discovered viral subtype.12)It involves using surveillance data and predictive modeling to update the makeup of current vaccines to include the most recent strains.
13)The immune system of the populace frequently fails to identify the novel virus subtype produced by antigenic shift, which increases susceptibility throughout the population and speeds up transmission.13)Although the virus is not entirely immune system-evading, its gradual changes allow it to gradually elude detection and make it more difficult for antibodies to fully neutralize it.
14)It causes multiple major influenza pandemics, including the 1918 Spanish flu (H1N1), the 1957 Asian flu (H2N2), the 1968 Hong Kong flu (H3N2), and the 2009 swine flu (H1N1).14)It causes variations in influenza strains every year, which calls for the annual updating of flu shots.
15)It occurs only when an influenza A type of virus that may infect pigs, birds, and humans among other species, allowing genetic material to reassort.15)It occurs in all influenza virus types (A, B, and C), since all of them gradually change as they replicate.
Example: Segments of the genomes of the avian and human influenza viruses can reassort when they co-infect pigs (which serve as mixing vessels), resulting in the production of a novel influenza A virus that combines genes from both parent viruses.
16)Example: Slight genetic changes cause the HA and NA proteins to slightly change as the influenza virus multiplies over time, changing the virus gradually.

In addition:

Understanding the differences between antigenic shift vs antigenic drift is crucial for grasping how influenza viruses evolve and the implications for flu outbreaks and pandemic preparedness. Two different mechanisms—antigenic shift vs antigenic drift—are used by influenza viruses to evolve. Each has special consequences for vaccine development, public health, and illness management. Antigenic drift refers to slow, ongoing mutations that result in seasonal fluctuations in the flu, whereas antigenic shift refers to abrupt, significant changes that have the potential to trigger pandemics. Effective influenza surveillance, vaccine development, and preparedness tactics depend on an understanding of antigenic shift vs antigenic drift dynamics. Understanding antigenic shift vs antigenic drift mechanisms helps in preparing for and mitigating the impact of influenza outbreaks.

Frequently Asked Question(FAQ)

What is the difference between antigenic shift and antigenic drift?

Antigenic Shift: An abrupt, significant alteration in the genetic makeup of the influenza virus that results in the creation of a new viral subtype with an original combination of surface proteins.
Antigenic Drift: A slow, ongoing process wherein the virus’s surface proteins experience tiny genetic alterations that modify the genetic makeup of the virus strains that are currently in existence.

How often do antigenic shift and antigenic drift occur?

Antigenic Shift: Uncommon, happening around once every several decades when circumstances permit the reorganization of distinct virus strains.
Antigenic Drift: Frequent, ongoing, and brought on by the virus’s mutations and replication over time.

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